How does a downstairs neighbor file a noise complaint on two couples decorating their Christmas tree and apartment while listening to King Diamond's "No Presents For Christmas"??!?!?! Hard hard must you hate fun to do that shit? Fucking buzzkill, but not really. There might have been some St. Etienne "I Was Born On Christmas Day" and "Nightmare Before Christmas" s/t throw in here and there, but the night belonged to the king...
Last night was really the greatest time ever. I have perfected the art of home-made chocolate-tinis. And even Lola got a stocking...
Founder of Vanya Records. DJ/promoter of The Pill dance party. Outgoing music editor of the Boston Phoenix. Outgoing music director of WFNX. Outgoing host of Boston Accents. Lover of Boston, my cat Lola, and the New Jersey Devils. Blog relaunched March 20, 2013.
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