friday, march 29
suede nite
paying tribute to the 20th anniversary of suede’s debut record with live sets from the london pravda and the suedeheadsWhat does it take to turn you on? Twenty years ago, as it does today, it was Suede’s brash blitzkrieg of a debut album that took us over. Released on March 29, 1993 and having kickstarted the UK’s Cool Britannia revolution that raised two fingers up to the frowny face of grunge, it was Suede’s hyper-sexualized modern glam rock record that shaked to the trumpet in spawning singles like “Metal Mickey,” "The Drowners,” and “Animal Nitrate.”
As fate would have it, two decades later Suede are again igniting a dormant British rock scene, as their brilliant sixth studio album Bloodsports just last week crashed the Top 10 of the UK pop charts. This Friday, the pill salutes one of its favorite bands with two ultra-unique live tribute sets: one from the London Pravda, who walk in beauty like the night and reprise their glammed-out early-‘90s Suede spin initially launched at our 2006 Halloween show; and an electronic-pop turn from the Suedeheads (featuring Sean Drinkwater of Freezepop/Lifestyle) which was conceived in the late-‘90s and has not performed live since.
To celebrate all this love and poison, the London Pravda this week released a cover of Suede’s lost 1996 b-side ballad “Another No One,” and a few weeks ago the Suedeheads posted a startling psycho-for-drum-machine synth-pop romp of the immortal “Stay Together.”
Further augmenting the night as high as the council estates that shine like the morning, resident DJs Ken and Michael V will add extra flash dashes of hit-bit-shaking Britpop classics to our dance party sets, and we’ll screen the Suede music video DVD, Lost in TV, propping up the bar (it looks so easy) with appropriate visuals.
Also be sure to check out Michael V’s exclusive interview with Suede’s Brett Anderson in one of the very last issues of the Boston Phoenix (RIP), where the legendary frontman discusses getting his demon back, the art of the comeback after an 11-year absence, and how Bloodsports truly is the record that should have followed Coming Up in the late-‘90s.
So join this Friday at Great Scott in Allston for Suede Nite at the pill, like big stars in the back seat, like skeletons ever so pretty. Look sharp – because we’re young, because we’re gone. xoxo the pill