Another day, another awesome record release show at Great Scott. Last night it was Personal Finance, tomorrow night it's Slowdim. But tonight, oh tonight, shit gets very real, as BOOM SAID THUNDER, the cover darlings of my Boston Phoenix Class of 2013 spotlight on the best new bands in town, release their long-awaited debut LP, Exist.
This is music to fuck to.
Here's what I wrote about the fiery bolt-slinging power trio a few weeks ago, as it gets the point across:
"Three members, three words in the band name, and three distinct qualities come together to form the monolithic beast that is Boom Said Thunder. The ground shook with last winter's Boom! EP, and now the earth is set to implode with the March release of Exist. On explosive first single "The Saint," John Magnifico's bass guitar serves as a livewire intro before you're seduced by Will Thomas's ground-pound drumming and Abby Bickel's vocals. Then things fly off the fucking rails. When the diminutive Bickel belts out her lyrics, she's taller than Kevin Garnett in heels, towering over her band's powder-keg rock-and-roll attack. Exist leaves little room to come up for air, but here's an instance where aural suffocation is a good thing."
Tonight's party is augmented by a future-sounds bill with Avoxblue, Nightmare Air, and the Lost Rivers.