What is this I don't even. To quote Phoenix editor Carly Carioli, "Maybe we haz biz model after all."
I guess it's cool, but still kinda weird. I suppose there are a bunch of people outside of Boston who would like to either A) Get their paws on the final issue and B) See for themselves the glossy magazine we relaunched as back in September. Hey, people: if you want any copies of the Phoenix, holla at ya boy. Maybe the Goth Issue will jump in value if Peter Murphy keeps getting arrested. Maybe the Britpop Anthem issue will be in demand now that Noel Gallagher and Damon Albarn have made peace. Ok, maybe not.
People always want the last of everything. The only thing that sucks is that we had no idea this was the last issue while we were putting it out. While I stand behind every music section I assigned, compiled, and edited each week, I will admit this was a strange, maybe disjointed week of coverage. For fuck's sake there was a lead feature on KMFDM (though I was proud of my "A drug against bore" headline). A What's F'N Next on Disclosure. A lead album review on Marnie Stern. Cellars by Starlight local column on Schooltree (who was also my final guest on WFNX's Boston Accents).
Of course, we never got a chance to put to print the following week's issue, which was a bit more cohesive and boasted now-online-only features on Fidlar, Thao & The Get Down Stay Down, an interview with Rex of Pantera (the follow-up to our crazy Phil Anselmo Q&A from the second Metal Issue), a Cellars on Slowdim, album reviews by BrownBird and Wavves, and of course, my interview with Brett Anderson of Suede. Woulda been cool to see that one on a magazine page.
Oh well, whatever forever.