STEPHIE COPLAN is on a rampage.
After demanding "No Assholes on Christmas" and then declaring "I Hate February 14 (Shoot Me)" the Cambridge-to-New York songwriter has got a bit more vitriol to thrown down, and this time she's set her sights out west: "Fuck You, Hollywood" is the tenth effort in her grand plan to release a new song every week, and this one's got a nice little new wave beat to it. It sounds like it could be in a blockbuster rom-com, but we all know better than that by now.
It's a shame WFNX isn't still around, I woulda loved intro'ing this bad boy.
Download the song for the nice-price of fah-free, and peep my Phoenix feature on Copes that ran last year. While she just played a sold-out gig at Brighton Music Hall with Jukebox the Ghost and Pretty & Nice, she and her Pedestrians are back in town May 4 with a show at her old stomping grounds, the Lizard Lounge in Cambridge.
Video rules, too...