So if anyone is looking to get me a belated birthday present, look no further. This hideous thing of beauty is only $9.99 on eBay, and straight out of late-'80s Red Hot Chili Peppers video.
I've never bought anything on eBay (or sold, chicken strip seahorse sucka!), so the gift can even just be winning/purchasing it for me, and I'll promptly pay you back.
If I get this, I'll totally wear it backwards and to the side the way the singer in EMF did with his Oakland Athletics hat in the "Unbelievable" video. And I'll pimp my christmas tree Chris Terreri jersey and mack down the street like an unstoppable Lamorielloian soldier on a mission for the ghost of John McMullen.
When I was a kid I had a Ghostbusters painters cap with the logo taking up the entire top....I wish I still had it.