Cheap Thrills on a cold, lonely weekend in Boston in mid-January?
Oh, you betcha!! On tap this week: The "Subway Series" exhibit in Fort Point, a "Jersey Shore" party on Lansdowne (where else?) and free movie day at the Coolidge Corner Theatre!
Subway Series: The ExhibitOpening reception Friday from 5:30 to 8 p.m., exhibit opens Saturday by appointment and daily after Sunday to the public through Feb. 15, at Accidental Gallery, 300 Summer St. (Fort Point); all ages, RSVP to for Friday admission, FREE
We’ve all taken candid photos of people with our cell phones - whether it be that hot chick at the bar or the lonely Santa Claus eating breakfast by himself Christmas morning at the Foxwoods casino diner. But Dorchester resident Dejan Djordjevic has taken secret snapshots to a whole new level, and the results are Subway Series: The Exhibit, premiering this weekend and running through Presidents Day at Fort Point’s Accidental Gallery. Roughly 30 of the more than 200 stealth snapshots the 26-year-old Djordjevic took in the past year while riding the T are on display, making it already more exciting and interesting than the last thing dubbed a Subway Series - the snooze-o-rama 2000 World Series between the two New York baseball clubs. It’s ninja photography at its finest, and we’re just glad he didn’t take any shots of the No Pants T Ride last Sunday on the Red Line.
Info: 617-556-2951SHORE LAUGHS
“Jersey Shore” PartyFriday at Bleacher Bar, 82A Lansdowne St.; 9 p.m., 21-plus, FREE

Usually when there are fist-pumps at Fenway Park, David Ortiz is busy circling the bases after a walk-off home run. But Friday night the Bleacher Bar hosts its “Jersey Shore” Party, a night full of house music dance-offs, unadulterated Snooki worship and blow-outs that don’t involve the Baltimore Orioles. While the Guidos from MTV’s most scandalous show since “Beavis & Butthead” are out collecting up to $10,000 for personal appearances across the country, the best part about the “Jersey Shore” is you don’t need those fools in the room for permission to behave the same. And that’s the premise at Bleacher Bar - for one night, you can be the tanorexic “Jersey Shore” meathead! There are prizes - including Green Monster ticket giveaways - for Best Dressed, Best Pauly D Blow-out and Best Jersey Couple (is that an IROC-Z stampede from Revere we hear?). There is also a Snooki Look-a-Like competition, so let’s hope Brad Ferro doesn’t show up and pound something other than the floor.
Info:, 617-262-2424
Free matinee screenings at Coolidge Corner TheatreEvery Thursday before 4 p.m., 290 Harvard St., Brookline; all-ages, FREEFor all the hemming and hawing over not having a job, being unemployed does have its advantages, from sleeping late each morning to being your own boss (unless you’re married). Now, the jobless can watch movies on the free, as Coolidge Corner Theatre is offering free admission to flicks running each Thursday before 4 p.m. throughout January. You do need to show proof, such as a letter of acceptance or a check stub from the unemployment office, and no, a disheveled beard or protruding ribs don’t count. To the Coolidge’s credit, we’re not talking throwback, last-door-on-the-left kind of screenings. If you read this before 4 p.m. today, here are your options for daytime entertainment: “Up in the Air,” 11:40 a.m. and 2 p.m.; “The Messenger,” 11:45 a.m.; “A Single Man,” noon and 2:20 p.m.; “La Danse,” 1 p.m. Go ahead and school the unemployment line with your privy Oscar predictions.
Info:, 617-734-2501
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