Monday, December 14, 2009

12.15: SXSW Info Session @ Middle East

I'm making my first trip to SXSW in March -- got the flight booked, the hotel secured and I'm working on acquiring more wristbands than a trendy hipster crackhead. Now I need to figure out what to do when I get there, you know, beyond getting shitpissed on Lone Star and seeing Amazing Baby 15 times. Good thing the Middle East is here to help my wanderlust ways, as tomorrow night it teams with the Musebox to host a SXSW Info Session.

This is mad convenient too, as I also wanted to catch Bearstronaut performing at Throwed upstairs and Lissy Trullie at TTs the Bear's next door. God save the Central Square rock hat trick!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I am excited about checking out all of these music performances during SXSW.
