We want to inform you of a change taking place at the café. That being, we are no longer going to be a Herrell’s Ice Cream. We will now simply be the Allston Café.
Why this change you ask? Long and short, Herrell’s Ice Cream became corporate. With the development of the Herrell’s Development Corporation came the restructuring of existing stores and the desire to create a much larger franchise.
When we took over the operations of this location a little over a year and a half ago, it was to follow the dreams of a couple who have worked hard our entire lives for other people and wanted nothing more than to have a small place to call our own . We wanted a place that would be a part of the neighborhood and community. We lucked out because it was a place we knew and loved, in a town we’ve both called home since the early nineties. We never dreamed of being a part of a corporate franchise nor were we interested in becoming one.
We found that if we remained a part of the Herrell’s Development Corporation, we would lose a lot of the freedoms that help make this café the place that it is today. We had to determine what best served us, the community, and the Herrell’s name.
We determined that staying true to ourselves and the community was the best way to do this. So we have agreed with the Herrell’s Development Corp in terminating our licensing agreement with them.
We ask that you bear with us as these changes take place and while we iron out the kinks of this transfer. While this takes place we will continue to serve you a delicious assortment of foods, drinks, desserts and yes, locally homemade Coops ice creams and vegan ice creams.
We wish Herrell’s Ice Cream a wonderful future. We thank Steve Herrell for all he has done for us, and for all he has done within the ice cream world. May his legacy, as Flavor Master of Ice Cream, continue for many years. Also, if you would like to offer any suggestions and ideas you may have to make this the best neighborhood café possiable, we’d appreciate it. We now proudly welcome you to the Allston Café!
Thank you for your continued patronage and support. www.myspace.com/allstoncafe
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