So tomorrow night is my last big-ish event of 2008, as November and December finds me cruising toward Dirty 30 at warped speed. It's been a fun year, but I need a break and this seems deserving as a final sending for the Oh-8.

Set times run something like this: Elastica 10pm, the Kinks 10:45pm, the Strokes 11:30pm. Best Costume wins free admission +1 to the pill for a year, and runner-up gets that prize until New Year's.
I want to dress up as Angelique from Rock of Love 2, but I have no idea how I'll pull this off. I might just go as a Tranny anyway... See you on the floor.
"Ahhh'luuuuvee ehht."
If you do go as Angelique, please promise me that you will shout "I'm going to have sex wiz Bret in zis pool!" at least three times over the course of the night. Thanks.