I've decided to leave the Barrows Cave tonight and roll riverside to the Mid Easy, where California dance mavens
LA Riots is throwing down the dirty electro disco party. Oh my fuzzy-fuck dance goodness this should be A+-level Awesomeness.

If you have no plans tonight, this comes highly recommended, we rarely get a glimpse of the kind of dance music that's currently killing on the west coast. LA Riots have remixed all sorts of dope shit, from Justice to Hot Chip to Kylie.
There's a slew of other DJs along with Boston's
Hot Pink Delorean and Philly beat bitches
Innerpartysystem, who amazingly pull off a Joy Division cover that's not feast-loin cringe-worthy. I have no idea who goes on when, but it's Thursday and chances are meant to be taken. I'll need to snap out of my week-long lethargic state to fully embrace this one, but I suspect it will be worth the flair. I might even buy a t-shirt.
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