BOSTON -- A red-tailed hawk attacked a girl on a tour of Fenway Park Thursday, drawing blood and sending the girl to a hospital for treatment.

The protective hawk swooped down on the girl, its talons cutting her head above her eyes. She was taken to Children’s Hospital by ambulance where she was treated and released.
"The girl is fine," said Red Sox spokeswoman Susan Goodenow.
Raptors often build nests at Fenway Park during the off-season. "Massachusetts Fish and Wildlife was already scheduled to visit Fenway today to look at the nest. They were on the way when the attack happened," Goodenow said.
A hawk was videotaped by reporters touring Fenway earlier this week when it perched on a railing outside luxury suites at the ballpark.
The nest and the egg were removed from Fenway by the Boston Animal Rescue League. The hawk flew off after the attack.
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