Kicking around the possibility of going to see JAMAICAN QUEENS tonight at TT The Bear's Place in Cambridge. I'm digging the spring-y synth-y feel-good tropical-pop vibes of this track, "Kids Get Away," and Bowery Boston's Carl Lavin has been raving about these dudes for a bit now. Plus, they're from Detroit, and I love the movie 8 Mile. However, as someone who had to take the LIRR every day back when I lived in New York and still cringe every time I hear the words "Change at Jamaica," this band name elicits some weird emotions. Thank goodness they're from Michigan and not from, like, Queens.
Also, their home city is providing some musical inspiration as well, though much like Eminem, it's born out of struggle. Posted on the video's YouTube page, singer/songwriter Ryan Spencer offers up this explanation for the song, claiming inspiration from an attack a friend of his suffered in Detroit:
"I wrote this song to myself as a reminder that I live in a very dangerous place and that I shouldn't be so naive. Violence is everywhere, and though I'm more likely to be victimized in Detroit than almost anywhere else, this city also has so much going for it that no other place I've ever been does. The possibility of violence is no reason to flee what I feel to be the best place I've ever lived. This song is a reminder to myself of that. Be careful, but don't give in to fear."
Plus the Tigers are likely gonna win the World Series this year so he has that going for Detroit as well. Don't ever leave, man.