Discover, sample and discuss an offbeat, unorthodox wine, beer or spirit at these expert-led tastings, held every other Tuesday at Downtown Wine & Spirits in Davis Square. RSVP below to reserve your spot; spaces are limited to 20 for maximal boozeducation.
Next event: TUE OCT 6, 2009 :: 7-8PM :: BACON BOOZE
It's well-known that everything tastes better with bacon, and how else to gild the lily than to intertwine it with awesome drinking? (We don't know. We really don't.) This is the tasting that will smite all tastings. Canvas the smoky-porky-buzzed gamut with DownTown's own bacon-infused vodka (with tips on how to DIY at home), smoked beers (the taste is practically liquid bacon) and wines "reminiscent of bacon." Right. Come pig out with us.
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