See, there's more to Iceland than Bjork and Michael V vacation spots -- there's Jeff Who?, a decent-enough band of suddently-dancey indie rock misfits who just happen to be in town tonight. A few years ago I bought their album in some shop in Reykjavik, which I think was called "Death Before Disco" (they were just rock-ish then, and now they're "dancerock," so I guess revisionist history dubs this title ironic). Anyway, I emailed them, saying they should be in touch if they ever hit Boston. THEY NEVER RESPONDED.
And now they're playing Felt, the most deplorable un-hip place in town. Have fun with those $15 cocktails and Drakkar-drenched date-rapists, lads! And let this be a LESSON to all.
That said, their new single "The Great Scape" is pretty good (if not entirely trendy as fuck) and I liked the song from the video below, off "DBD". But... FELT?!?!! Really dudes? Shoulda been'n touch. I wouldn't even dar writing about -- let alone attending -- a live show at Felt.
Hi Michael, its baddi from jeff who? Just wanted to say sorry we didnt respond to your email, i would have answered if i had gotten it :) but funny thing, i was just googling where we played that time cause ive never felt as out of place as in there...and since im in boston i wanted to sjow my girlfriend the place...anyway, hope last 7 years have been fruitful :)
Founder of Vanya Records. DJ/promoter of The Pill dance party. Outgoing music editor of the Boston Phoenix. Outgoing music director of WFNX. Outgoing host of Boston Accents. Lover of Boston, my cat Lola, and the New Jersey Devils. Blog relaunched March 20, 2013.
Hi Michael, its baddi from jeff who? Just wanted to say sorry we didnt respond to your email, i would have answered if i had gotten it :) but funny thing, i was just googling where we played that time cause ive never felt as out of place as in there...and since im in boston i wanted to sjow my girlfriend the place...anyway, hope last 7 years have been fruitful :)