While I'm disaapointed those rumors about pill-hate showing up in this week's
Weekly Dig were unfounded -- wonder why the publisher was on-site apologizing to
Great Scott yesterday? -- we are still battling them and six other parties/brands/whatevers tonight at Enormous Room. There is an OPEN BAR (srsly) and things get started around 10. E-Room is mad small, so roll up early and help rep
the pill. There's now no need to get all B. Rabbit on Boston's pesky lil alt-weekly, but fun is still in order.

Earlier on this evening, HBO is tossing up the premiere episode of
Eastbound & Down, the Will Ferrell-produced show that stars some washed up ex-pro ballplayer named Ken Powers. I shit you not. This one has no cover/free food/free drinx,
but you need to RSVP. Plus it's at McGreevey's Pub, so uhhhh, I dunno. But the show looks like a winner and DJ MIstaker of the Thunderdome parties brings the beats.
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