Sharon Osbourne is the host, Rachtman is a "dean" (whatever the fuck that means) and the prize is $100,000 and the chance to star in the upcoming VH1 Classic series "Love'Z Not E-Nuff," starring Chip Z'Nuff from late 80s metal band Enuff Z'Nuff.

More importantly, I think there is an Angelique sighting... Too bad we can't tell if she's standing up straight or doing a hand stand. Also, sup Lacey, Dallas, Rodeo, Love Tank, Destiney and Megan, who clearly never met a camera she wouldn't let spooge on her face.
But to be fair, I'm still dying over Megan's comeback to Pumkin on the last I<3$ episode. Pumkin: "Just because you're taller doesn't make you the bigger woman," Megan: "You're clearly the bigger woman." Zing-o-ramaktrjhfi rhjgio hjifg
The Angelique handstand comment.......hahahahahahahahahaha WOW