Chillaxin on the Herald's Weekend A&E cover today with a cool feature on
Banditos Misteriosos, the semi-covert organization that throws huge, several-hundred-people events like a Copley Square Pillow Fight, Silent Dance Party at Fanueil Hall and a Scavenger Hunt on Boston Common. BostonSOS is alsomentioned, but the focus is on the Banditos crew. It's all word-of-mouth, it's all-inclusive, and it's always free.

The Banditos next event is a Revoluntionary War Water Gun Battle, with location to be revealed sometime next week through Yelp, CRaigslist, and their own mailer. Sign up
here. These kids rule. Also included in the spread are sidebars on
Renegade Drive In and the rise of
Iron Chef Louie's Supper Clubs. Both have events coming up in August.
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