And last week, the lesser of the Party Boys, Heat, was shown the door in an hour-long mental and physical beat down. Adding insult to infidelity, Heat was bounced by the world’s last remaining home boy, Frank the Entertainer, who not only stole Destiney his woman in what should eventually lead to more prime time toe sucking, but also had the final say in kicking his ass off the show. The Entertainer could have gotten rid of one of the Brothers Stallionaires, Real or Chance, or even Whiteboy, which would have helped his team in the long run, but he let poon rule the day and ghosted his competition with the womenz, not with $250,000. Will it come back to haunt the Gold Team? Yes, I think so.
In other noteworthy news: Lone remaining Party Boy, 12 Pack, is proving Alpha Dog status with the ladies, banging it up with both –large-in-charge Heather and conniving cunt all-star Megan. Tonight, Mr. Boston is about to get dirty with Real, Chance and Whiteboy, and it does not look good for Acton’s famous son. And for Rodeo, well, "I love rock, I love country. That's why I wear my hat, that's why kids love me." It still holds up.
Also, no one knows why Pumkin and Brandi C are still around. And I still can’t get that image of Toastee’s pasty ass beaver out of my head.
Did you really need to link to the pasty beaver shot??? You KNEW I was going to click on it, even at work...you KNEW!! Excuse me whilst I weep softly at my desk
ReplyDeleteOh yeah, the Toastee shot is NSFW. My bad, cause you know, I SAID IT WAS HER GRINNING BEAVER?!?!##$%#$T%G$%