Another day, another Boston live music venue goes kaput. I'm semi-sad to see the Dise Lounge go, and not just because the last thing we need in this city is another Irish Pub. But the Lounge, in its five years or so, housed many cool things, including the pill, Start, and several art showings. I DJ'd the Light 2.0 Placebo afterparty there backintheday, met the wonderful and amazing Bartender Michelle there and that's where the pill's first Halloween show (The Information/The Cure & the Cignal/Happy Mondays) went down. In fact, much of the pill's new guard was shaped at the Lounge, breaking away from the seedy underbelly of North Station, and taking the pill from a subterranean word-of-mouth scene to a visible force in Boston nightlife.
And hey, maybe when they renovate/remodel, they can erase the "pill fags must die" graffiti on the wall outside the men's room.
I went to my first Pill there. You invited me to the first thing you ever invited me to there (A Good North show.) Aww.