Red Sox fever has swept the region, and it's the rare time of year where my professional life as an A&E writer crosses paths with my love for baseball. So aside from my Boston Vs. Denver smackdown in today's paper, I'm sitting at my desk wearing swim goggles and sliding pants, looking like Lord Jon Papelbon, and writing a shit ton of Red Sox-related stories. So this morning I offer up some fairly interesting sports links in honor of the 2007 World Series, which the Sox should take home in 5 games.
- I dug this up because Max was asking for it, and it never disappoints. During a moment of silence before an Isles-Sabres game at the Nassau Mausoleum on the night of the Virginia Tech shootings, a fan displays his dislike for the Rangers. Very disrespectful, but so freaking amazing. The way it echoes through the building is priceless.
- I consider myself a fan of the Devil Rays (yup, I'm the one), but not the hideously sunkissed blue-and-yellow uniforms they'll wear next year. What's even more bland than the uniform is the news that Kevin Costner will unveil it at a party sure to be attended by dozens.
- Us Long Island folk lived through the Fish Sticks Era, but this is just cruel.

- And they say Cleveland is a glutton for punishment. Looks like the Cleveland Plain Dealer, on deadlines tighter than Travis Hafner at the plate, made a writer pen two stories, one if the Sox won, another if the Tribe came back. Here's the draft of your 2007 American League Champion Cleveland Indians!
"Yorvit" is such a funny word.