So I know I'm a bit late to this party, but I live in Boston so a 2-year delay on shit is kinda expected these days. If you haven't checked out Channel 101's Yacht Rock series, then you've already not as smooth as you think you are. I guess these Yacht Rock parties are popping up all over, inspired by the funny-as-fuck videos fictionalizing the songwriting process of Michael McDonald and other commercial rock luminaries in the late '70s.
In today's Herald I wrote about this Saturday's Yacht Rock show at the Bulfinch, starring Three Day Threshold, Okay Thursday and others covering the likes if Steely Dan, Kenny Loggins, Toto, etc.
What will hipsters think of next? Is the world officially out of shit to parody? Regardless, this shit is pretty funny. But I keep forgettin' -- I'll be at the Information show when this goes down. Fuck you, Loggins.
What does Kenny Loggins even sing? And is he a lumberjack?