Been awfully quiet on the Vanyaland front, and for good reason: Things are still fantastic at the "day job," as music editor of the Boston Phoenix, the Pill is still banging out the modern indie dance party every Friday at Great Scott, and lastly, I've decided to start a small boutique record label out of my bedroom, releasing my awesome friends' awesome music digitally and on vinyl.
Ladies and germs, I present to you: Vanya Records.
The first release: "Moniker/Shannon" gold vinyl 7-inch by Boston's post-pop electronic quartet Bearstronaut, a dance-centric group I've long been fond of and no stranger to the Pill (several live appearances, "Wire" release party, The Rapture @ Pill Halloween 2k10). The record -- VAN001 -- drops this September.
To mark the 15th anniversary of Jarvis Cocker storming the '96 Brit Awards stage to protest the God complex displayed by a performing Michael Jackson, we at the pill have decided to have our second battle on Feb. 18: Pulp vs Jacko.
It follows last year's heralded Blur Vs Oasis dance floor throwdown, which commemorated the 15th anniversary of the dual release of singles "Country House" and "Roll With It," respectfully. Oasis won that battle, for the record.
Expect a shitfuckton of Pulp, and a fair shake of early Michael Jackson to counter the Britpop razzmatazz. Honestly, this should be an interesting night, and while the pill has never played a Jacko tune before (except on Halloween where we sometimes bust out Thriller), we're willing to open up the playlist in the name of the battle. Here's the flyer, and actual video of the incident follows after the poster jump.
Founder of Vanya Records. DJ/promoter of The Pill dance party. Outgoing music editor of the Boston Phoenix. Outgoing music director of WFNX. Outgoing host of Boston Accents. Lover of Boston, my cat Lola, and the New Jersey Devils. Blog relaunched March 20, 2013.